Studi Kasus Penyebab Dies Tumpul Pada Proses Blanking Dengan Menggunakan Cause Effect Analysis Di Pt. X


  • Rosidi Politeknik Negeri Jakarta
  • Budi Yuwono Politeknik Negeri Jakarta


Die flat main 39 liter (PT. HINO) is a very important dies blanking and the most often have trouble in the production process in the manufacturing industry in the workshop pressing PT. Wijaya Karya & Construction. However, like other machines, die flat man prone to damage due to usage that has experienced overshoot. This case study was conducted at PT. Wijaya Karya & Construction to investigate the cause of damage dies flat man. The analysis method used is observation, interview, and data collection related to machine performance and using RCA method that is cause-effect analysis (fishbone diagram). The research results show that factors such as overshoot, lack of spare parts such as guide post, bolt stripper, and incomplete repair tools and work environment conditions can be the cause of damage dies flat man. Therefore, it is necessary to take appropriate corrective and maintenance steps, spare parts inventory, and die replacement to get maximum production results and achieve production targets.


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How to Cite

PURBA, M. O., Rosidi, & Budi Yuwono. (2023). Studi Kasus Penyebab Dies Tumpul Pada Proses Blanking Dengan Menggunakan Cause Effect Analysis Di Pt. X. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin, 13(1), 476–481. Retrieved from

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