Desain Cetakan Elektroda Grafit Menggunakan Biomassa sebagai Prekursor Karbon
Grafit, Cetakan, Desain, Elektroda, BiomassaAbstract
Graphite is a carbon isomer that exhibits optimal electrical conductivity, thermal stability, and chemical reactivity, making it widely used in various fields, particularly as electrodes in electrochemistry and Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM). Currently, there is a challenge in efficiently transforming biomass carbon into graphite material through a fast and low-temperature process. Indonesia is a country abundant in biomass resources, including empty fruit bunches from oil palm. The graphite powder produced from the graphitization process needs to be molded for electrode applications. This study aims to design a graphite electrode mold in the shape of a box with specifications of 100x100x10 mm. The calculated compressive strength received by the Punch surface is 6.285 MPa, which is considerably below the tensile strength of AISI 4340 steel, indicating that this mold is safe to use.
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