Javanese song, Kinanthi, translationAbstract
structure, communication situation, and cultural context both in the source language and target language. Kinanthi is a traditional Javanese song with particular requirements in forming the song. This research aims to describe and analyze the technique of translation and its constraints in translating the song of Kinanthi from Javanese into Bahasa Indonesia. This research used a qualitative method with a descriptive design. Data was obtained by using documentation and interviews. The source of data was the Javanese song of Kinanthi which is contained in the Serat Wulangreh written by Sri Susuhunan Pakubuwana IV. The collected data was then analyzed by using Miles and Huberman’s flow model which contains data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The results of the research reveal that there are several translation techniques used by translators in translating the traditional Javanese song of Kinanthi from Javanese into Bahasa Indonesia, such as literal, adaptation, and word borrowing techniques. Meanwhile, the constraints encountered by the translator in translating this Kinanthi song were the use of appropriate terms, guru wilangan (number of syllables in a line of the song), guru lagu (rhythm in line of the song), and guru gatra (number of lines of song) under the Kinanthi song guidelines. The song of Kinanthi contains Javanese cultural context which is different from Indonesian culture. The researcher concluded that the most difficult when translating traditional Javanese Kinanthi songs was the provisions that had to be adhered to in order to get songs that were in harmony and in accordance with the song formation guidelines.