Pengaruh Sales Promotion dan Personal Selling Terhadap Keputusan Nasabah Menggunakan Tabungan Haji Pada BSI KCP Cibinong Pratama
The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of sales promotion and personal selling on customer decisions in applying for the Indonesian Hajj Savings account at BSI KCP Cibinong Pratama. This study uses a quantitative method with multiple linear regression analysis method which aims to see a relationship between the influence of sales promotion and personal selling on customer decisions by using a questionnaire as a research instrument with as many as 100 respondents. The results of this study indicate that partially, sales promotion does not significantly influence customers’ decisions to apply for BSI hajj savings account. Meanwhile, personal selling partially has a significant positive effect on customers’ decisions to apply for BSI hajj savings account. This research can be used as a reference for recommendation and consideration for Bank Syariah Indonesia in improving the quality of the promotion system. The novelty in this study is the Indonesian Hajj Savings product was the object of the study.
Keywords: Customer Decisions, Personal Selling, Sales Promotion.