Analisis Perbandingan Trading Volume Activity, Return Saham, Harga Saham, dan Abnormal Return Saham BRIS Sebelum dan Sesudah Merger dari Tahun 2019-2022


  • Muhammad Rio Haryo Prakoso PNJ
  • Zulmaita, S.E., M.M. PNJ


Among other countries in the world, Indonesia has the largest Muslim population. This can potentially increase Indonesia's potential to have the largest Shariah Bank in the world. The performance of Shariah banking in Indonesia is still less efficient compared to conventional banks. In order to achieve business efficiency and make Shariah banking in Indonesia more competitive and profitable, the government is merging state-owned Shariah banks in Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to analyze the differences in trading volume activity, return, price, and abnormal return of BRIS stocks before and after the merger. BRIS is designated as the receiving or survivor entity in the merger because it is already a publicly listed company. The results of hypothesis testing show that there are differences in BRIS trading volume activity before and after the merger, as well as differences in BRIS stock prices before and after the merger, but there are no differences in the return and abnormal return of BRIS stocks before and after the merger.

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